Sunday, August 29, 2010

New SHOES & lovely things made in PAINT

Purchased lovely pairs of heels over the past three days and they are all so lovely. (Plus I didn't pay as much as one might think it's called shopping around) lol.

The lovely art I made in Paint when all other methods fail and I don't want to work in GIMP.

Brain WaVe:

Acidic Erosion:

Blood Cell Coast:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Mini Preview

Mini preview of what I have Submitted to the Print Event next week! My work will be displayed at Knoll Gallery @ 915 Santa Fe Drive on September 4th from 6 pm to 9 pm.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

MHMF Day 1 & 2

Mini Photoblog of the Mile High Music Festival:

August 14th 2010:
The "Hand of Man" - Iron robotic hand that smashes stuff.

The "Entrance" to the Main Stage.

The Constellations @ the Bison Tent. Really liked their music, which came to me as a surprise.

What I made at the Arts & Crafts tent. I was pretty satisfied with my work.

Hot Air Balloon Launch - Saw this before seeing Phoenix

Phoenix - Bison Tent

Jesse Quin - Ran into him on my way from Phoenix

Bassnectar - August 15th 2010
Was a great performance

Tom Chaplin Interviewed by Spin TV

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

almost forgot....

Almost forgot about this photo of Richard waving me goodbye...

Will be posting the other photos of the MHMF tomorrow including the following artists:
Bassnectar, The Constellations and Phoenix.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mile High Music Festival - KEANE!

The one reason why I went to the Mile High Music Festival was to see my favourite band Keane, however there where plenty of other artists that I went and saw (they where all pretty good actually)

So this is mostly a photo blog of Keane's pperformance.

Me & Keane:

The Performance:

Before I met them and after the performance at the Twist & Shout Tent :

Monday, August 2, 2010

A few new things....

Got my job back at the Bookstore, however now I'm a Bookfloor, meaning that I help customers find their textbooks for their classes. Much more interesting and I have more to do then standing behind a register for five hours.

Finished this summer semester with a B! I can't believe that I passed that math course, since I am horrible at math. Thank goodness that I only took one course this summer.

and I am currently obsessed with this song (I just don't know why I am so obsessed):