So when the time came for them to announce the North America Tour dates, I was psyched because I was going to make sure that I would see them no matter what it took. Well my mother knew that I was obsessed with Keane, but didn't really know how obsessed I was until the announcement of the release of the third album. So she agreed to buy me tickets to the show and now she loves listening to them. I know she is my mother, but I don't like the fact that she likes them, sorry but now her singing along to their songs annoys me. If you don't understand what I mean about this here is a brief example:
Say that you really like a certain musical group and you've liked them for a long time, and you’re not sure if you should let your family, in my case my mother, listen to them mostly because you fear that they will become more obsessed than you and that they will always think that they are the ones who discovered the group on their own, while knowing full well that it w
as you who has been a fan for a longer period of time.

I KEPT MY OBSESSION WITH KEANE AWAY FROM MY MOTHER FOR 4 YEARS. <<<---- This actually amazed my brother that I'd been a fan since the way beginning, and his awe-struck face was only more proof that I indeed did amaze him to this news.
Anyways, back to the story about the Keane dress:
Anyways my mother bought three tickets, one Hot Seat package (for me) and two extras for my brother and a third person (my mother ended up going as the third person). This was back in mid-March when we purchased tickets and that is when I told myself that I would make something for this significant event (well at least to me is was huge). So I drew up a design and from there it went flying. The original design however was a dark blue color not a cool gray. I went with gray after I was given 4 yards of the material and was told I could keep the rest after I'd made a sash for a client, the 4 yards were taken as payment. I finally started to make the dress on the 1st of May, I know really late. I however did finish it in time alongside with school and finals coming up.
As you can tell from the album cover of Perfect Symmetry most of the triangles are the primary colors: red, blue and yellow. Those are the colors used for the halter of the dress, the three colors are braided together and tie in the back of the neck. As you can somewhat see in the photo with me and Tom Chaplin, I'm wearing the dress and I could have asked them to sign it but that's why I got a Keane shirt, lol.
So this is the story of the gray dress that I really like wearing sometimes when I'm alone. I met Tim, Tom, Richard and even Jesse in the dress and I will never forget that night because I was an amazing show and I can't wait for the next time when I get to see Keane perform live again (hopefully in the near future). I think it’s amazing when you meet the people that inspire you, well that's what my reaction, pure amazement, I know I now sound like a dork by say that, lol. If you are interested in learning more about Keane you can visit their official website @ http://www.keanemusic.com/ . and if you ask me to this day what my favorite Keane song, my response might take a while because I love all of the songs and it sometimes depends on where I am and what I'm doing, but the songs that did get me into listening and interested in Keane was Somewhere Only We Know and Everybody's Changing. Have a nice day! :D
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