Thursday, October 7, 2010


I saw this a few days ago on television and all I have to say is that It's somewhat creepy to have a stomach like that even though it looks ever so cute and fuzz. Speaking of commercial I love watching them so much, mostly because some of them are so ridiculous and funny, and hard to believe that they would make a commercial like that. I'm posting a few that are just hilarius to watch that you can't stand it if you bend over from laughing. It turns out I did turn in the wrong homework for accounting, at least I still will get some credit for it.

There was a fire drill today at the Tivoli, about 15 minutes before the store closed and this is what I thought:
Standing to the QuickStudy Guides wasting time. Music in background, then all of a sudden a loud disco type beat and flashing lights appear with this loud voice saying something that sounds like the following "Attention, Please Leave the building, Please head to the nearest exit" I was like, "HUH?!?" total confusion on face and then I happen to notice that it's actually happening. I proceed to leave building with everyone else.

Any way it was a great waste of time, didn't have to help anyone for 15 minutes LOL.

Here are some commercials. ENJOY!

Yakult Commercial :

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Smart Phone Commercial:

Complete Washroom Solutions Commercial (has drug-related content):

Anyways those are a few commercials that I find entertaining and very interesting, knows how to intrigue and gather interest for the audience.
The sun is rising over the fields of a pastoral land. The wild grasses of this pasture move with the wind as one. The insects and bees that inhabit this pasture awaken to go on with their duties to nature. The bees buzz around busily around the pasture from every wildflower they encounter to collect and leave pollen so that next year there is something to pollinate. The crickets in this pasture sit on the grass stems and play their tune to whoever happens to be listening. They chirp in an area for a bit and then they spring away with a gust of wind, until they land in another area to continue chirping away. The cicadas try to mimic the crickets but their tune is ever so different than that of the crickets. The ants make trails of where they have found something nutritious to eat.

The sun has climbed the sky a bit and more activity enters the pasture. The flies get active flying around annoying others. The vixen's cubs are out to play in the tall grass on this early morning as well as a few bunnies not so far away. The vixen wonders what will be for brunch, bunnies maybe? The fawn gets on its feeble looking yet strong legs to frolic amongst the grasses, flowers and insects. The doe is cautious but lets her fawn have its fun with a careful eye on her young one.

The birds are singing their melodies here and there, as well as amongst the trees that border this pasture and that lead to the deep forest. They swoop over the pasture, preying on their unsuspecting victims, the insects that crawl, fly or bounce about the grassy field. Butterflies and moths alike flutter here and there about the plant life, collecting pollen just like the bees.

The sun has reached its highest point in the sky. The clouds drift aimlessly in the sky as if there isn't anything better to do on such a calm and peaceful day. The sun becomes clouded when these vaporous giants cross the suns path. They provide shade as they block out the sun. What a perfect day for a picnic lunch. The vixen and her cubs share a rabbit in the shade of the bushes. While the bunnies dine with their mother, she is worried where her companion has gone off to. The fawn and the doe enjoy a hearty meal of wildflowers and grasses, the doe still at full attention to her surroundings, making sure there is no danger to her or her fawn. A few butterflies flutter around them and tickle the fawn's little black nose, making it sneeze.

The bees keep on buzzing around making sure that all of the flowers have been visited and that all the possible pollen has been collected for that portion of the pasture. The crickets and cicadas rest in the shade of the grass from their chirping. The ants have found some peanuts someone has forgotten about and a worm that was crushed earlier by the small hoofs of the fawn. The ants have started to take the worm apart to bring it back to their colony.

The day continues, at the far end of the pasture a person appears carrying a basket and humming to himself a tune that sounds most joyous. The animals pay little attention to him and stay put. A fly lands on his face and he swats it away with his hand. He crosses the pasture and disappears into the forest of trees.

New insects are coming out since the sun is starting to set and as the air gets cooler. The bees have retired to their hive, tomorrow a new search for more pollen begins. The ants have just finished picking up all of what was left of the worn and the peanuts that they found. By working together they got a lot done. The crickets and the cicadas take up their chirping again, which they will continue through the night.

The vixen puts her cubs to sleep and sits at the entry of her den gazing across the field as the sun starts to descend and the moon appears. The doe and the fawn find a safe place in the wooded area to rest their eyes for the night. The fawn nestles next to its mother and quickly goes to sleep. The bunnies are becoming restless, while their mother has figured out what has happened to her companion, since he has not come back and since the vixen is so close in proximity to them. Time to move to a new location, it’s not a good idea to be neighbors with the foxes.

Fireflies start to hover around the pasture, as well as some blood sucking mosquitoes. The fireflies’ tails glow as they flutter here and there like little light bulbs, occasionally stopping on a closed flower or blade of grass to rest their wings, for they will be gone forever by morning. Their light flutters as they glow. The mosquitoes hum around the vixen, her cubs, the doe and her fawn as well as around the rabbits. They listen to the blood pulsing through the veins of these animals, finds the perfect spot to suck some blood from them. The animals stir a bit when bitten but the mosquitoes hold on tight on their feeding area.

The sun is just about to sink on the opposite side of the pasture from where it rose. The man is now heading back across with now a full basket in hand. In the basket there are fresh strawberries that his mother had given to him to bring back to his family along with some cheese, wine and bread. He picks up his pace so that he can cross the pasture quicker before it gets too dark.

Then all of a sudden a few mosquitoes land on him, mostly on his red cheeks. He stops to get rid of them, and then continues on his way. He can't wait to get home. He picks up his pace again only this time he trips over something, making all of the items in his basket jingle and the strawberries fly out onto the ground. He is not sure what he has tripped over, it looks like a limb.

The strawberries are scattered all over, so he bends down to collect as much of them as possible. Some of them had flown a few feet away from him. The twilight assisted him in his gathering. He tried to reach the ones that flew a distance, but he can't reach with his out stretched arms. So he slightly crawls towards them to pick them up.

He is now close enough to pick up every last one that flew out of the basket; he sees a cluster of them and grabs them only to notice that they had landed on what looks like a rotting corpse. The face is mauled, with the mouth being open baring the teeth and tongue. The eyelids are missing, with one eye still intact but the other either stolen or eaten by a crow or a raven. He gets up with a terrible expression on his face that clearly shows shock and fear, noticing only then that the body is completely mangled and twisted. Some of the toes and fingers are missing, and part of a leg has been ripped off. The rib cage is exposed showing the lungs and what looks like a heart. The abdomen of the corpse is expelling the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver and a number of other organs. He cannot tell if it's a man or a woman, for there are no garments and most of the flesh has been torn away or is still decomposing with the help of maggots and worms.

Now backing away from the body with horror on his face and in his eyes, he gathers up the basket as fast as possible and runs across the pasture letting the contents fall out as they may.

The sun has now completely disappeared and only the moon and the starts gaze down at the pasture. The fireflies continue to dart back and forth in the night light; the breeze is gentle and rustles the long blade of the grass. The cicadas continue their melodies and a howl of a wolf is heard from deep inside the forest. Now only the glow of the moon over the pasture illuminates everything that lies within the pasture, just as it truly is.

Please leave feedback, it would be much appreciated.
I can't keep my own promises, for some reason there are factors that always break them.

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