Tried again to sleep in on my day off, that plan however fell through since my brain has decided that 7 hours is good enough while my body is like "NNNOOOOOOO, IT ISN'T!!!!!". However I did get a lot of things done like bought shirts to be printed on, pre-ordered
Mt. Desolation by Mt. Desolation which comes out on October 18th 2010 ( I also finally got around to purchasing
Plastic Beach by the Gorillaz as well as some stuff that I lost a while back, such as
Proof of Youth - The GO! Team and
Zombies!Aliens!Vampires!Dinosaurs! - Hellogoodbye.

Later I met up with my best friend, Jessica, and I so wanted her to see Sammy Boy in person, but that didn't work out as planned. I got there and no one was there, and the fact that I called in earlier to say I was coming by puzzled me even more. Usually when someone calls to say they are coming in, usually they let you know if it's okay or not. Well it was okay, until when the time came to stop by no one was there. EPIC FAILURE!!! The least someone could do is call me and let me know before I got there that they had decided to leave earlier. Now I have to bring the shirts back next Wednesday when I have a super heavy backpack to carry from my classes and with things to turn into the library. I'm sorry to say this but someone needs to write things down so they know, otherwise don't tell people one thing and then flake out.
I also just started to read another Kurt Vonnegut novel by the name of The Sirens of Titan. So far so good, especially since Vonnegut is my favorite author, love his writing style. If he was still alive I would have loved to meet him. Will probably finish the novel by Monday.
Besides that nothing new, got the lovely idea of printing Sammy Boy on some shirts, so if you want a shirt with Sammy Boy from me, just contact me and we can arrange something. This is Sammy Boy (sorry for the blurriness, taken with the camera on my phone and Sammy Boy is really only the octopus, not whatever is added in this print):
I also bought some super delicious chocolate bars from Chocolove. They make the best local chocolate ever, very rich in flavor ---
There once was an elephant of a blue grey color that lived up in the clouds. One day out of pure boredom he decided it would be fun to hang gigantic strawberries from the clouds so that everyone down on the surface could see them and wonder in awe how they got so big and ended up in the sky. This elephant's name was Damien. All his life he lived in the sky for unknown reasons, so when he decided to hang the strawberries, it was just to entertain the creatures on the surface.
One day when Damien was wandering around up in the sky, he thought it would be an amazing idea to make strawberry smoothies and share them with the creatures on the surface. His idea was mostly to make friends with the creatures on the surface since there wasn't really anyone up in the sky to socialize with. So after making these super delicious smoothies he delivered them to the creatures on the surface for a try, but when he got to the surface, everyone was scared of him since no one knew who he was or what he was. He tried to greet them by offering the smoothie but no one would approach him, and after a few minutes of staring at him they all ran separate directions either to hid or to be away from him as far as possible.
Damien, sensing that he was unwanted decided to leave the surface and never return. As he started to ascend into the clouds he gave one last glance to the surface and he noticed that there was only one creature left, a tiny animal who was somewhat hidden under a bush. The creature was a ferret named Frederick. Frederick saw that Damien saw him hiding under the bush, so he came out and asked "What are you and whatever did you bring with you?" Damien, who had to think about the question for a moment answered this "I'm an elephant that lives in the sky, amongst the clouds and the stars. I brought with me a gift to share with you all, but it seems that no one wants to accept it from me."
Frederick, still nervous of the thought of such a huge creature living in the sky wanting to share was a bit strange, but decided not to panic in this situation. He stood on his hind legs and said "Well whatever did you bring for us? It smells pretty good." Damien looked down into the pitcher and said "Well it's a strawberry smoothie made from the strawberries that hang in the sky. Why do you want some?" Frederick nodded and cautiously approached Damien and the pitcher of strawberry smoothie. He came up to the rim, Damien lowered it so Frederick could take a sip. He took one sip, stopped, and then continued to drink from the pitcher until there wasn't anything left.
Damien starred at Frederick amazed that such a small creature could drink so much so fast. The next thing he knew Frederick is asking if he could also go up into the sky with Damien. Damien shrugs and says why not, and Frederick climbs on to Damien's back for the long journey into the sky. On the journey up, Frederick sees all of the wonderful things that can't be seen from the surface. The land is wide and at the end there is actually a coast. They get higher and higher and it gets colder and darker. After a few hours of climbing, Frederick asks "How much longer until we get there?" Damien answers "Another hour or so." Frederick curls up into a ball and falls asleep for the rest of the trip.
Startled by a loud noise, Frederick wakes up only to find himself in a black storm cloud with Damien nowhere in sight. He looks around frantically for his new friend but can't find him anywhere, only the empty pitcher on which he himself stands is all that is left of Damien. He crawls inside for safety and soon enough falls back into a deep slumber. Frederick finally awakens to a bright light, he sees that it is the sun that has just come up and the storm has cleared. He sticks his head out to see if Damien is anywhere, and sure enough he is out in the distance coming towards the pitcher. Frederick decides that he should run towards Damien, so as he steps out of the pitcher he feels the vapory clouds, and as he steps forward he starts to fall through. He tries to take another step but it's too late, he is falling a great distance down to the surface from whence he came.
He sees Damien run towards him and try to catch him, however it is far too late, for only Damien can walk in and amongst the clouds and stars. He is the only one who can enjoy what is beautiful, rare and quite untouchable to others, other then himself. Damien regrets taking Frederick up into the sky, and is dismayed at what has become of Frederick.
Damien sees Frederick fall to the surface and thinks of the journey that they spent together, he doesn't understand why such a lovely creature such as Frederick can't also enjoy the clouds and the stars. Little does he know that when he turned his back and walked a distance amongst the clouds that Frederick had reappeared and is also now one of the few who roam the skies. He hears Frederick's voice, and can't believe that someone who has passed is speaking with him.
Days pass and Damien hears Frederick calling out to him, he thinks nothing of this, it's only a voice. Then out of nowhere Frederick appears and Damien, not believing what he sees, asks "However did you get here and how can you also walk amongst the clouds and the stars."
Frederick answers "For I am just like you now, I have passed and this is where I come to live for the rest of time."