Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm finally starting to warm up to my accounting course, mostly because we just got back our exams today and I got a pretty good grade, much better than I expected it to be. I also bought these amazing leather gloves and they where quite affordable. Work was long and nothing exciting really happened. Looking forward to tomorrow because I can finally print Sammy Boy on some shirts.

Tonight the strippers will not appear, come back tomorrow for some more stripper fun. However I still have a story for all of you.

Henry was a business man who worked in a tall sky scrapper in a large city. His job as a business man was to make sure that the company he worked for was doning everything in working order, making sure that no rules where being bent. His company sold insurance. He wasn't an insurance agent though, his job was to actually collect on people who had not paid up. He traveled around all the time, going to people's home, seizing their property and collecting millions from people who did pay.

One day he came into the office as usual, with coffee, donut and newspaper in hand, when he noticed everyone was staring at him. He looked about and everyone's face was in a state of shock and disbelief. He made a full circle to view this. Everyone then just sank back into their cubicles as if nothing happened. So Henry continued on his way to his corner office. When he got to his office saw the board of directors sitting and chatting. They all looked up at him when he came in and also started in disbelief at him.

He wondered why everyone was acting this way, and as he was about to say something, with his chocolate covered donut falling towards the carpet, his bosses got up and said the following "OH MY GOD, we all thought you were dead!!!" Henry raised an eyebrow, looked around the room and simply stated " Well I'm here right now, so I guess I'm not dead. Why would anyone think I was dead, anyway?" He looked around the room and everyone stirred. Then one of them grabbed the paper that he was holding and on the front cover was his photo, a photo of himself he had never seen or remembered ever taking.

The front page of the paper led to an article about a freak plane accident that he was supposedly in. The article stated that they didn't find his body and presumed that he had perished along with the 67 other victims that where listed in the manifest logs. Bewildered by this he wondered why people thought he was one of the victims, did he really die and somehow come pack to life? He didn't know and simply said "That can't be me, someone must have the same name." Everyone agreed and celebrated that their best man was okay. The day continued on it's normal vibe.


 A loud cracking noise appeared. Henry awoke, only to find himself strapped into his seat in first class. The cracking was the wing of the plane breaking off and falling towards the earth. Next thing he knew the plane was making a nose dive towards the ground, everyone around him panicking about his or her life. After, what seemed like forever, the plane smashed into the ground killing everyone on the plane, including Henry.

He couldn't believe that he was dreaming about the accident right before it happened. Now as his body lay in the burning wreckage, he thought of that dream and wished that he would have never gotten onto that plane and wondered why he was running really late before his flight, was it because for some reason life wanted him to live and hence had tried to slow him down, or was it just that his time had come and that there is nothing he could do about it now.


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