Currently attempting to do my accounting homework but not really getting anywhere, there are so many distractions, and for the most part I'm still a bit confused on some of the things that we have to do for our homework. I know I try my hardest to understand, but I think that it is definitely not working, due to the fact I'm lacking sleep for the past 4 weeks ever since classes have started and I not motivated anymore to concentrate on what matters.
I'm currently running on sugar. The main source being gobstoppers.
And the fact that I also work isn't really helping my case currently, there are much more distractions. I currently started to read Kurt Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions and am now half way through it when I should really be studying for exams and paying attention to my studies. I hope this doesn't last this long, because I think I can't take it any longer.
I think I know what I'll make in the morning tomorrow to keep me running : oatmeal with some English Breakfast Tea. That should definitely keep me up and energized for at least 7 to 8 hours before I get hungry again and go on a sugar binge.
Note to self : don't take gobstoppers tomorrow, as defense mechanism against sugar binge again.
To who ever might read this and think they know who it is about, don't over think it for it is only a story that I would like to tell and get it over with as soon as possible otherwise it will be stuck with me for a while until the time comes to tell it, and by then it would be too late to repeat it.
There are many things that influence peoples thoughts and perceptions of one another. Perceptions can lead to either good or bad feelings in which way someone will react differently to. Please know that. All opinions are just that, opinions, thoughts that go through peoples minds whenever they think and respond.
The earth is full of people who care about someone or something. The reasons why they care about someone or something will vary greatly, but that is not the point, they are at least aware of what and who they care about and that is all that has to be said.
I probably will regret later is that I am currently head over heels for someone and I don't know how else to express my feels about them so I'll just express them now in words, which are so easy to type and publish. If only it was as easy to express how I feel about them now without hesitating to tell them in person about it, I think I will hold back, because I don't want to be disappointed with the possible outcomes that might result from it, just know that I really care and would like to get to know them better so that we can at least be friends, even though I think that we already are friends, even though I am not completely sure about it. I have to stop making promises to myself that I won't fall for someone, because every time I make that promise, it is always broken when I get to know them even more.
I might grow to not stand you anymore, but beware that the future is not predicable and anything can happen, for the present is always changing what might happen in the future, even if the future is just seconds away from happening. Please remember to always know what you want otherwise you will never get to enjoy life to the fullest extent, I know I say this now and I'm trying as hard as I can to achieve these goals as well. Please don't judge me for who I am, for I am only human and humans tend to live life as it comes to them.
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