Saturday, November 27, 2010


The final weeks of the semester are coming and I need to crack down on studying, not to mention I have severe writer's block which is killing me. As you can tell recently I've been posting less and less short stores since nothing new can come to mind. I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure how they will play out. 

So for now until further notice the short stories that are a few paragraphs long will have to go into hiatus. However very very short one paragraph story will pop up now and than along with haikus and others forms of poetry.

I will also be posting film reviews of the films that I watch, so if you like you can also keep an eye out for those.

Best way to follow me is via twitter ... easier to update and communicate to a group. So if you have a twitter account you can follow me @VeraT ( ) and I'll most likely follow you back. I will also be posting random little updates on Tumblr constantly (  )

So I leave you with this:

The sky fell onto the earth.
It crushed everyone into dust.
The only living things on earth now are bacteria.
They all started to multiply.
Everything returned.

Thus regeneration came from human star dust.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Found this photo I took a while back at the Cherry Creek Mall. Who in the world will crane their neck up that high to see that exit sign in an emergency.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Sitting on a pine a magpie looks down at the glittering specks on a path looking for shiny metal trinkets it can take back to its nest for safe keeping. It hops from one branch to the next looking at different sections of the path.

It finally spots something of interest in the grass next to the path's edge. The magpie swoops down onto the path, ducking in and out of the grass looking to see where the object went. It finally finds the prize it is looking for. 

It turns out to be a thimble, with just a few droplets of the morning dew still in it. The magpie rinks these refreshing drops. It then picks up the thimble and carries it up to its nest in the tall pines. It nestles its prize in between the meshing of the nest so that no one else can get to it, if it ever gets spotted.

The magpie continues on with its day,  collecting insects for a quick meal or more materials for a more fortified nest. After a few hours, the sun high above but planning on going down pretty soon, the magpie sits and watches the path. It sees an elderly woman coming up, bent over, as if looking for something. She looks through the grassy edge of the path, careful not to miss any patches. 

The magpie wonders what this elderly woman is doing, but while observing her actions, the magpie gets easily distracted by something the elderly woman has on her. What the magpie sees is a sparkling broach affixed to the elderly woman scarf. It glitters like nothing ever seen before by the magpie, but how to get such an object. 

The elderly woman is now not that far from where the magpie is watching, so the magpie swoops down and flutters about the elderly woman's head. The elderly woman, not sure what is going on, flails her arms about to get the bird away, but the magpie persists with its fluttering its wings at her. When this does work the magpie begin to peck at the elderly woman, and the elderly woman starts to panic and swat at the bird as hard as she can.

The magpie continues to peck away, injuring the elderly woman. The elderly woman screams in terror as the pecking persists. The magpie, mostly aiming at the face and the hands, finally topples the elderly woman. Its claws hooked on tightly onto the broach. The elderly woman, bleeding, passes out and eventually dies from her wounds endured from the magpie. The magpie, get the broach off the scarf after a few forceful tugs.

It flies high up into the sky, above the pines to its nest, and hides it most prized possession of all time. More hours pass, and the sun starts to go down, the elderly woman still in the path untouched. The magpie nestles to bed and falls asleep, dreaming of the glorious things it always finds. 

Then a sudden noise of shouting is heard, and the magpie is startled awake from its peaceful slumber. The magpie looks towards the path, the elderly woman still there, but now there are people surrounding her body, some crying, others outraged that this happened to someone so caring. Wondering why someone would go as far to kill her and rob her.

The group of people, with torches alight head down the path and into parts of the forest to look for her killer and attempt to get her belongings back to whom they rightfully belong to. Of course, we all know that that broach will never be found, and only we now where it lays; and for that matter we know that they will never find her killer even though the magpie is right in front of their eyes for the rest of their lives.


Monday, November 22, 2010


As promised I am posting some high resolution images of the mask that I made and wore on Halloween this year. Yes, I still go trick or treating. I also scanned a bunch of my work today and a mini sample is going to be posted here today and more will be posted later in the week. Which reminds me that I have to sign a lot of my work. If you see anything you like, message me and we can work something out. 

YAY!!! For mask making, the eye slits as you can tell aren't in the right place, but hey it still looks amazing.

Here is a mini sample of what is to come:

And now a story, especially since I've been lagging behind in new stories.

On a distant land, there was a no life, all that ever existed there was the wind, ice and the dust that blew about the barren landscape. There where deep valleys and high mountains, taller than those on Earth. It was almost alway dark and cold on this planet. It saw it's star from afar, the star's heat never reaching it and warming it's lost and forgotten heart. All it ever did was rotate and orbit about this star, watching it's brothers and sisters move about the star at a faster pace than itself.

So it sat at the edge of it's galaxy moving eon after eon in slow motion. One day while rotating it noticed that it's star was not there in its usual place anymore. It looked at it's siblings and the one closest to the star where being destroyed into star dust, just as they were made. The further the planet it was it had more time to state what happened. This planet finally received the message only to see each of it's brothers and sisters disappear. By the time a force so powerful hit it, it was happy as well as sad to have it's long life come to an end in such a short period of time. At least life was enjoyed just as much as it could have possibly enjoyed it. 

You will only be recreated into something new in a short time. Something as brilliant as before.


Sunday, November 21, 2010


As promised the mask. Sorry for the poor quality. Better pics tomorrow.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Got a Speck SeeThru SATIN in Red for my MacBook Pro, and it looks so awesome on it. A very nice color, the picture doesn't do it justice. Plus it was $10 cheaper at the local campus bookstore than at other fine retailers. I am happy that the week is finally over, can catch up on some much needed sleep that I am missing. I also just remembered that I promised to post the picture of the mask on here and I will most definitely tomorrow when I get the time to take it. Another bonus is that tomorrow I will be posting some of my art and if you want to purchase a print from me comment on it and leave your e-mail in the comment. Prices will be posted along with the images. Most of them are pretty affordable for original pieces of art. 

I currently have writer's block and it is killing me that I can't write any stories. The first one I come up with I'll post.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Yes, I do listen to her music, I must admit. So today I finally gave in and purchased both of her albums. She writes her own songs and that I have to admit that that is an amazing skill set. Not to mention all of her songs are so catchy, if only you knew how long I had California Gurls stuck in my head for a time.

One of my favorite songs from Teenage Dream is Firework

Not to mention she looks so pretty in this particular video.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


No, a Superfund is not a fund with a whole bunch of money it's actually the common name for Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), which is regulated by the Envirovmental Protection acgency. CERCLA is basically a fund/law that the United States has that is specifically designated to clean up sites that have been contaminated by hazardous maerials and substances, like nuclear and chemical waste and pollutants. If you wonder where a Superfund site is you can think of the Rocky Mountain Arsennal, that is classified as a Superfund site since it had plenty of contaminates in the groundwater and in the soil. An entire list of Superfund sites can be found here, just click on the region you live in to see what's around you:

If you are wondering what pays for all this clean-up, the people who are responsible for these messes are the one's paying for the clean-up since they are the ones contaminating. 

Just think of Erin Brockovich, how she found out that Pacific Gas & Electric Comapny was contaminating the drinking water with hexavalent chromium. Julie Roberts did a lovely job portraying the real Erin in the self titled film.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Got to see Burlesque tonight, and it was amazing. The performances were stunning by Christina and Cher. The cast was a very interesting pick (in a good way) including Stanley Tucci, Alan Cumming and Kristen Bell. Who could ask for more, sexy ladies dancing and singing in amazing costumes all dolled up and ready to go. So glamorous that I want to watch all of the numbers again and again. The musical numbers in Burlesque were spectacular, with strong vocals from both Christina and Cher, it's amazing what their voices can do. I personally wish I could sing like that, but I don't, so I'll just sit back and marvel at their talents. 

So my suggestion is go and see it. It's super fun. I so want to see it again. Now one of my favorite films.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This is an amazing song, you can't go wrong with it.

By the Gorillaz

Pay day, you're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool form a line
Scar'd money broke money
Bow money mo' money
So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound make a wave run-up
While motherfuckin' jammin'
You can get it how you wanna

There's math and there's dealers and players and me
They say that they're winners
Ok well let's see
You play there you play
The rules of the trade
The math of the date
The times and the age
But you want how you like
Aim high man why not?
Sun Moon and Starry y'alls
Each and all of y'alls
Mathematics and dealers and players and me
They say that they're winners
Ok well let's see...

Sweepstakes! You're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool form a line
Scar'd money broke money
Bow money more money
So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound maker, wave run-up
Why wonder? funky drama
You can get it how you wanted it
'Who's the winner?' said the dealer
Every player 'Yeah me'
So you say 'We will see'
Player play! hey ok
Whatcha want? how you like?
Aim high. Why not?
Sun Moon and Starry y'alls
Each and every all of y'alls
Who's the winner? Yeah me
So you say 'We will see'
Cloud breaker danger beats!

Ha! ok, let's eat!

Sweepstakes! You're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool form a line
Scar'd money broke money
Bow money mo' money
So sunny cloud breaker
Sound maker wave run-up
Why wonder? fuck someone
You can get it how you wanna

There's math and there's dealers and players and killers and me
They say that they're winners
Ok well let's see
You play there you play
The rules of the trade
The math of the date
The times and the age
But you want how you like
Aim high man why not?
Sun Moon and Starry y'alls
Each and every all of y'alls
There's math and there's dealers and players and me
They say that they're winners
Ok well let's see!

Sweepstakes! You're a winner

Pay day, you're a winner
Keep cool form a line
Scar'd money broke money
Bow money mo' money
So sunny cloud breaker
Sound maker wave run-up
Why wonder? funky jammin'
You can get it how you wanna

'Who's the winner?' said the dealer
Every player 'Yeah me'
So you say 'We will see'
Player play! Hey ok
Whatcha want? how ya like?
Aim high. Why not?
Sun Moon and starry y'alls
Each and every all of y'alls
Who's the winner? Yeah me
So you say 'We will see'
Cloud breaker danger beats!
Fresh plates!
Let's eat!

Sweepstakes! You're a winner


Keep cool form a line
Scar'd money broke money
Bow money mo' money
So sunny, cloud breaker
Sound make a wave run-up
While motherfuckin' jammin'
You can get it how you wanna

There's math and there's dealers and players and me
They say that they're winners
Ok well let's see
You play there you play
The rules of the trade
The math of the days
The times and the age
But you want how you like
Aim high man why not?
Sun Moon starry y'alls
Each and every all of y'alls
There's math and there's dealers and players and me. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Was catching up on some Conan O'Brian and it was Thursdays episode with special guest Michael Cera. I've got to say that Mr. Cera has a small head, it looks so weird. To show you what I mean I took a few screenshots of the episode when his head is obviously smaller. Take a look:

As you can tell compared to Conan's head, Cera's head is like half the size. It's too weird.
Besides Mr.Cera having a small head, I watched Pirate Radio which was an excellent film with very very good music. In the end of the film they showed 40 of the top albums for the past forty years, and I saw that they had Keane's Hopes & Fears which is amazing, considering that they also had The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana and even ABBA. 

So before I go a brief story. 

Once upon a time there was an apple who grew on a tree. It started out as a white flower that then grew and grew from this green mass in to the apple that hangs on the branch now, now a golden green apple. All around it it's brothers and sisters grew with it. Some were unfortunate to fall to the ground from spoiling or being knocked down by the wind or rain. 

This apple grew into a nice size one could fit into your hand comfortably. There was a thing layer of wax that covered this apple which gave it such a nice shine. Then fall came it all the apples were being harvested. People came with hge baskets and crates to collect them. This apple came down, and was put in a box with other apples, they were then sorted, the rotten or bad ones thrown out. They then journeyed to a large truck that delivered them all around the world.

This specific apple ended up in the Mile High city to be consumed by you. Hope it was delicious.



The lovely poem before A Bad Dream. Describes the meaning of the song quite well.
Was read live by Neil Hannon at the O2 Arena on July 21st 2007 before Keane played the lovely song.
The lovely poem by William Butler Yeats:

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.

William Butler Yeats

The Lyrics of A Bad Dream:

Why do I have to fly
Over every town up and down the line?
I'll die in the clouds above
And you that I defend, I do not love

I wake up, it's a bad dream
No one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind

Where will I meet my fate?
Baby I'm a man, I was born to hate
And when will I meet my end?
In a better time you could be my friend

I wake up, it's a bad dream
No one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you're long gone now

Where do we go?
I don't even know
My strange old face
And I'm thinking about those days
And I'm thinking about those days

I wake up, it's a bad dream
No one on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you're long gone now

I don't own the right to any of these pieces of art, I am just sharing it with you. All rights go to the original artists.

Friday, November 12, 2010


On the evening of a full moon, a woman sits in a lounge chair staring out across the city through the window. She takes a sip of her drink and doesn't lower her gaze when the telephone rings. It rings a few times, while her hand reaches over and picks up the receiver, puts it to her ear and answers "Hello". A person is heard replying on the other end. Her only other replies during the conversation are "Uh huh" and "Sure". At the end of the conversation, her only words that can be counted as a sentence are " Yeah, see you in a bit, I love you too".

She gently puts the receiver back in it's nesting area. Her eyes still affixed to the glittering lights of the city. Tears start to stream down her cheeks, she doesn't wipe them away. She sits quietly for some time even after her drink is exhausted. She gets up from her deep train of thought and leaves the lush velvet chair, heading towards the door. Grabbing her clutch, a silk deep purple scarf which she wraps around her long slender neck. Then she grabs her coat, slipping her arms into the sleeves. Double checking that she hasn't left anything, she heads out the door without even bothering to lock it.

She gets into the fresh night air, takes a deep breath, wraps her coat up more tightly, securing the buttons. With her hands in her pockets, and the clutch under her arm she heads to the metro station. She gets on a train, there are still people heading from work, traveling a few stops she gets off, and then transfers to another line. She finally reaches the station she needs and as she heads toward the surface of the city, she can feel the cool air and the smells that occupy the street. The streets are more crowded here, as she walks a few block, people rush by her as if they are all late. Reaching a high-rise, she enters and takes the elevator up to the higher levels of the building. She gets off on the 23rd floor and heads to a door marked with the number 2306. 

She knocks on the door, movement can be heard in a few seconds a man opens the door. The first thing to come out of his mouth is "Hi, wasn't expecting you so late, I just left a message on your machine." She simply replies "There was traffic, I took a taxi." She heads into the apartment, he takes her coat and offers her a drink. She kindly declines, saying she can't stay long since she has other plans for the evening. He offers her a seat in the sitting area.

Clenching her clutch as if for dear life, she sits down, as he asks her if she wants to leave it with her coat. Her response is "No, it's okay, I actually have something for you." All the while she slows snaps it open and slowly stick her hand in. He sits down next to her, and asks "Oh a surprise, what is it?" She states " I have to put an end to this I can't bare it anymore, it's just killing me."

 "What's killing you, and what do you mean you have to end this?"

Next thing he knows she takes out a knife with a serrated edge and in one swift movement lunges it into his chest, twisting it at the same time. He screams out in pain and tries to push her away. She stumbles a bit but heads back towards him, stabbing and twisting. With all his strength he tries to reach for the phone, but she continues to stab and twist, until he hits the floor, pooling blood on the white carpet. Gasping for air he tries to crawl away from her but the pain is so intense. She continues with her actions, until he stops with his hopeless attempts to get away from her. She turns him over and after stabbing him 44 times, gives up. The blood is flowing out of the stab wounds like little streams of ruby red.

With labored breathing he looks at her and asks "Why?" She leans over his body, her dress stained with his blood and the knife in her right hand. She whispers in his ear "Because, I love you, and I will always love you." She lifts her head and stares into his eyes, and then softly kisses him on the lips. Her final words to him are "Goodbye my love, I'll see you in the next life" and with that she slashes his throat. Blood rushes out of the wound emptying his body of blood. 

Then sitting up, she looks down at him and then slashes her own wrists watching the blood gush out, nice and warm. She lays down next to him hugging his body and caressing his hair, until she too is gone to the next life. No one will find them until later, she embracing him in a pool of blood in the middle of the apartment. 


Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Well as you might have noticed I haven't really posted any new stories and to be honest I got some writers block and tons of schoolwork for the past weeks. So tonight I will be posting a new story just for everyone. It was inspired by the snow today. Otherwise everything is well, and I can't wait for this week to be over, it already seems too long. Writer's Block is a BITCH.

It started to snow lightly, the flakes nice and delicate in shape and in size. Every crystalized formation different from the next, never to be repeated again, making each individual flake special. They drifted down from the heavy clouds from above towards the surface. They had been unleashed to cover the surface in a nice and neat white sparkling blanket of frozen joy, landing one on top of another to make a thick layer of snowpack. 

As the snow fall continues, the snowpack gets denser and denser on the bottom most layer, while the top-most layers are light like powder. It stops snowing for a while and in the distance the crunching of snow and of the crystalized flakes can be heard, as someone takes fresh steps in the white and binding field. A deer has stepped out from underneath the pines to explore. It's hooves penetrate the snow and leaves empty holes through the powder. 

It prances about, in between the trees and the branches that are visible coming through the snowpack to the surface. the air is chilly and each time the deer exhales it's breath vaporizes against the cold air. The wind blows and the top layers of snow start to get blown around, the deer shudders as the icy wind hits it's body with great force. It ducks down and slowly makes it's way back to the pines, where it is warmer and there is protection from the wind.

It gets dark quickly. The wind howling and the temperature dropping fast. The deer has made it back to it's pine den. It covers itself with a pile of old leaves and pone needles at the base of the tree to keep warm. The night wears on and he deer sleeps calmly under the makeshift blanket.

Out in the field of white and crystalized joy, the wind howls as if it was a wolf howling at a full moon. By early morning the surface snow has shifted likes the sands of the Sahara. The path made the previous day by the deer is gone and some trees have snow on only one side. The clouds have started to part and let the sun in, letting it's rays bounce off the white surface. More animals start to come out into the field and dig up reserves of food for a meal.

As the day progresses the clouds have moved to another area of the sky, letting the sun shine on and on, ever so slightly melting the top-most layers of snow. The dark sky starts to creep up again and the temperature takes it's cue to drop drastically. The howling wind picks up and throughout the entire night it comes and goes in it's moaning howl.

The morning sun starts to peek over the horizon, casting long shadows on the snow in the field and through the forest. The day continues making the snow completely melt away except in a few patched here and there about the field and in the forest.

The surface is finally revealed and a few rocky patches of ground are exposed. Snow still is on these rocky patches, hiding in the shadows away from the suns rays. among these partially exposed rocks there are limbs, darkened from severe frostbite. Still covered in an almost translucent layer of snow a face is seen, the eyes gaping up into the sky with the mouth wide open filled with tiny special crystalized wonders. The completely frozen body rests on these rocks, to be frozen in place until the spring thaw comes in a few months time.


Sunday, November 7, 2010


I just can't believe how much school work I currently have, yet I've got most of it finished in a two hour period and I'm pretty happy with myself. I had two marketing papers, a calculus project and I finished those in two hours. I still have to do the online homework for calculus, but I can do that tomorrow. I also has some accounting homework that is due on tuesday that I need to finish up and a case study for business law about rent control. That is an opinion paper and I'm going to have so much fun writing about rent control. Thank you economics, you have helped me once again. Got most of my Keane flag finished, all I have to do is sign it and than send it away. I sewed it together today (pictured below). It has the Russian flag (background) with a Colorado flag and American Flag.

I'm hoping to send it by the end of this week.

There is an eel on a piece of paper. It swims in between the letters and the lines looking for fish to eat. on the other side it sees a fish that has very decorative fins. It wants it for lunch. The other fish spots the eel, and swims off the page into nothingness. 

What is on the next page, more words or just more pictures?


Still updating ...

I'm still updating everything to Tumblr, but that takes so much time. So for now I'm leaving you to enjoy some Keane:

My Shadow (Live UK Forest Tour 2010)

Friday, November 5, 2010


I have opened a Tumblr account exclusively for the my short stories.

People still do it ... Texting While Driving

People just can't give it up, as if no one sees them texting away at a red light or when there isn't a lot of cars  around them.

More information about this can be found here:

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Paul the Octopus, who predicted the World Cup victories has pssed away. That is just sad, knowing how I feel about octopii.

But here are a few video's of his predictions:

Final Bet:

Germany over Uruguay:


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Voted yesterday ... and yes every vote does count!

It was easy to remember Yes on Letters and No on Numbers LOL.

The Leaves are underfoot...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So I'm slowly eating away at my loot that I have finally sorted appropriately. Anything that's not gluten-free has been put in a separate bag to be eaten someone who is more fortunate to consume wheat, rye and barley, and so many other gluten rich grains. So besides consuming all of my yummy loot slowly over the next week and a half, I've decided to watch as many films as possible. Currently in the middle of watching The Apartment with Shirley MacLaine and Jack Lemmon. Plan on finishing tonight after voting.

Every time I see that I want to brush my teeth....

Sugar be sweet.
Sugar be sour.
it doesn't matter at what hour.
At least your are off of your feet.

I know, a horrible poem --- I'm happy I'm not a poet.

Part of it didn't make sense. Used of twice right after the other.

Have a nice DAY!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


So yes, I went trick or treating yesterday, but to our surprise I think only two people commented on our age. A few people I think where kind of upset to see us probably and so they skimped on the candy when we came to  the door, by giving us one piece out of the entire full bowl of theirs. On the other hand lots of people were somewhat really impressed with our costumes. I know we tried quite a bit on our costumes and walking about twenty blocks to get candy is a lot of work, especially if you are with a few *ahem* slow walkers. Saw some pretty interesting Jack O'Lanterns, but couldn't take a pic of all of them.

Sorry for the pixel distortions. It looked better than in this photo.
So November is officially here and I've got to say I just got into the habit of writing October instead of September, and now that effort can be thrown out the window as well. Ordered some Russian films over the weekend, will see how fast they can get to the library I go to.

Will probably be posting picture of my mask tomorrow, and I've got to say glitter glue has partially failed me, because halfway through trick or treating my glitter red lips on my mask fell off. Another thing I might add is that if you ever buy a feather boa from Hobby Lobby make sure it doesn't stain. That's what happened with the one I got and at the end of the night my neck was a greenish blue color along with my hands.

Once upon a time in a land far far away lived a group of children who had no idea what to do with their lives until they grew up. There were 10 of them and each decided one day to go out on their own and find a profession that they enjoyed.

After breaking off, they searched far and wide for something that was pleasant to do. They spent years and years perfecting their specialization. They had now become young adults that where fit enough to thrive on their own. However they all missed each other, so one by one they headed back to their home. Once all 10 assembled there they were surprised at each others skills. They spent hours telling their journeys to one another until there was nothing else they could tell. None of them had practically anything in common. So they decided to split up again for a few years, only to meet again at their childhood home for an update.

Once again they wandered off and continued to live as if the meeting had never happened, only with the future meeting date in the back of their developing minds. They met new people and developed new sets of skills, some of them being the ones that the others had already gained. At this next meeting they all wanted to impress one another so when the date came they all gathered. They where almost all the same, with the same skill sets and trains of thought. None of them liked this at all, being copies of each other.

So before they departed they decided that they should choose what their mind wanted as well as their hearts. Their next meeting would be in twenty years when they were all in their mid- thirties. Some of them gained families while others stayed alone in search for the perfect partner. When they met again one had passed away. They all grieved together for the one they had lost. On this sad note they departed to make the world a better place on their lost friend. Not thinking of when to meet next and who might be gone by then.

Another thirty years had passed when they decided to meet again, most of them grandparents. However this time around two more were missing and their loved ones told their story. These gatherings got more more somber, so they decided that instead of being caught up in grief they would enjoy what they had left. They all stayed together until one by one each one pasted to the next life.

When there was only one left, on their death bed they remembered all their friends and all the stories everyone had. If only we were immortal, would we have all the time in the world to enjoy those journeys together. With their final breath the last memories and thoughts exited with the air, somewhere far off in the distance 10 children decided to go their separate ways.

Please leave some feedback it would be much appreciated.

P.S. You are never too old to trick or treat.