As promised I am posting some high resolution images of the mask that I made and wore on Halloween this year. Yes, I still go trick or treating. I also scanned a bunch of my work today and a mini sample is going to be posted here today and more will be posted later in the week. Which reminds me that I have to sign a lot of my work. If you see anything you like, message me and we can work something out.

YAY!!! For mask making, the eye slits as you can tell aren't in the right place, but hey it still looks amazing.
Here is a mini sample of what is to come:
And now a story, especially since I've been lagging behind in new stories.
On a distant land, there was a no life, all that ever existed there was the wind, ice and the dust that blew about the barren landscape. There where deep valleys and high mountains, taller than those on Earth. It was almost alway dark and cold on this planet. It saw it's star from afar, the star's heat never reaching it and warming it's lost and forgotten heart. All it ever did was rotate and orbit about this star, watching it's brothers and sisters move about the star at a faster pace than itself.
So it sat at the edge of it's galaxy moving eon after eon in slow motion. One day while rotating it noticed that it's star was not there in its usual place anymore. It looked at it's siblings and the one closest to the star where being destroyed into star dust, just as they were made. The further the planet it was it had more time to state what happened. This planet finally received the message only to see each of it's brothers and sisters disappear. By the time a force so powerful hit it, it was happy as well as sad to have it's long life come to an end in such a short period of time. At least life was enjoyed just as much as it could have possibly enjoyed it.
You will only be recreated into something new in a short time. Something as brilliant as before.
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