Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Sitting on a pine a magpie looks down at the glittering specks on a path looking for shiny metal trinkets it can take back to its nest for safe keeping. It hops from one branch to the next looking at different sections of the path.

It finally spots something of interest in the grass next to the path's edge. The magpie swoops down onto the path, ducking in and out of the grass looking to see where the object went. It finally finds the prize it is looking for. 

It turns out to be a thimble, with just a few droplets of the morning dew still in it. The magpie rinks these refreshing drops. It then picks up the thimble and carries it up to its nest in the tall pines. It nestles its prize in between the meshing of the nest so that no one else can get to it, if it ever gets spotted.

The magpie continues on with its day,  collecting insects for a quick meal or more materials for a more fortified nest. After a few hours, the sun high above but planning on going down pretty soon, the magpie sits and watches the path. It sees an elderly woman coming up, bent over, as if looking for something. She looks through the grassy edge of the path, careful not to miss any patches. 

The magpie wonders what this elderly woman is doing, but while observing her actions, the magpie gets easily distracted by something the elderly woman has on her. What the magpie sees is a sparkling broach affixed to the elderly woman scarf. It glitters like nothing ever seen before by the magpie, but how to get such an object. 

The elderly woman is now not that far from where the magpie is watching, so the magpie swoops down and flutters about the elderly woman's head. The elderly woman, not sure what is going on, flails her arms about to get the bird away, but the magpie persists with its fluttering its wings at her. When this does work the magpie begin to peck at the elderly woman, and the elderly woman starts to panic and swat at the bird as hard as she can.

The magpie continues to peck away, injuring the elderly woman. The elderly woman screams in terror as the pecking persists. The magpie, mostly aiming at the face and the hands, finally topples the elderly woman. Its claws hooked on tightly onto the broach. The elderly woman, bleeding, passes out and eventually dies from her wounds endured from the magpie. The magpie, get the broach off the scarf after a few forceful tugs.

It flies high up into the sky, above the pines to its nest, and hides it most prized possession of all time. More hours pass, and the sun starts to go down, the elderly woman still in the path untouched. The magpie nestles to bed and falls asleep, dreaming of the glorious things it always finds. 

Then a sudden noise of shouting is heard, and the magpie is startled awake from its peaceful slumber. The magpie looks towards the path, the elderly woman still there, but now there are people surrounding her body, some crying, others outraged that this happened to someone so caring. Wondering why someone would go as far to kill her and rob her.

The group of people, with torches alight head down the path and into parts of the forest to look for her killer and attempt to get her belongings back to whom they rightfully belong to. Of course, we all know that that broach will never be found, and only we now where it lays; and for that matter we know that they will never find her killer even though the magpie is right in front of their eyes for the rest of their lives.


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