Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Sirens of Titan + 5 HRS of "WORK" = NEW SHORT STORY?

Working on a Saturday is super slow, slower then a snail will crawl, but an easy 5 hours earned of just "working". For example I read 75% of The Sirens of Titan while at work and was amazed that I did actually still help out customers when they did come by for a textbook. One thing I love working Saturdays is also that you somewhat sleep in and then once your off the entire day really isn't wasted. I'm lucky I didn't hear crickets going off, because that is how quiet it got at times in the store.

When I came home I finally got around to watching Whip It and shortly after watching that I watched Coco Before Chanel. Both where very interesting films, but I'd pick watching Whip It  over Coco Before Chanel any day, not that I saying you shouldn't see it but it's completely different and I guess after watching two films in a row, I preferred the first, mostly because I had put off watching Whip It  for a long time.

However I heard that going to an actually roller derby event isn't all that fun.

I also plan on sleeping in for a bit and I'm looking forward to it so much, for it is much needed rest.

There once where two best friends who could never be separated from one another. It was as if they where attached by the hip. They knew each other from childhood and they knew each others secrets. As they grew up they went to the same schools, liked the same food and loved very similar subjects. They even shared a favorite hairstyle. Some people thought that they where twins, just by the way they looked and acted.

Time passed so fast for them that by the time they where grown they didn't have any identity of who they really are. They where copies of one another. So they decided to expand and explore on their own for a while, without seeing one another. Their final decision on this exploration was that in a three month period they will truly find themselves and meet again to see what has been discovered.

One decided to finally go out and find things that she hadn't ever seen or experienced before. She got a job, found a strong liking to Vietnamese cuisine and decided to go on a trip around Europe to see all the lovely things that she had read about in travel magazines.

The other decided to explore more in depth of what she "liked". She tried everything she so called "liked" and whatever she found to be not right she changed, she found something that actually suited her better.

The three months passed by so quickly for the two, that when they met once again, they couldn't believe how much they had changed. They told each other what they did in those three short months and to each of their amazement found out that certain things that they had explored where the same. After this meeting they decided to go their separate ways again and meet up once again like they just did.

Well years passed and each of them felt that something from their lives was missing, and when they finally figured out the missing link they called each other up. They met again but since a few years had past each was unrecognizable to the other. They couldn't believe that they had changed so much, especially since they where the bestest of friends. So they finally caught up with one another, enjoying the chats and the laughs that they had experienced. One of them finally got her dream job and was happy at how well everything had turned out for her. While the other was happy for still having such an amazing friend around, that had been missing for sometime as well as hearing the joyous things that she experienced.

They promised that they would call one another at least once a week to catch up since whenever they met there was a lot to fill in. Well sadly calling each week worked for a while until it just started to become inconvenient since each one was living life they way they wanted. The calls then finally ended and they didn't contact one another for a long, long time.

By now 65 years have passed since they first decided to go and explore the world for themselves. Now they where both old and crippled with little to do in life, so they found each other once again. This last and happy reunion lasted until they both passed away, for they knew each others lives so well that now even their children and grandchildren where the bestest of friends that could ever be found.


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