Thursday, October 21, 2010


So yesterday afternoon I went and saw Kings Of Pastry at the Starz Film Center. Now that is a film that was amazing at how much work can be put into making pastries and other confections. I'd have to say that the pastry chefs that are in the film are more like artisan than chefs, because their crafts are just that -- pieces of mouth watering art that you will probably not want to eat because it looks so fantastic. After watching the film I so want to go and study baking and the art of pastry making. I even ventured to The French Pastry School website which is located in Chicago to see what courses they offer. If anyone is interested they can visited them here : .

The only downside of this plan is that I won't be able to taste any of my creations since they would not be gluten free. On the other hand I could probably try and make the best gluten free pastries ever if I ever decide to follow this plan through. This it seems to me is only a temporary solution to distract me from all the other subjects in school. I have to get it out of my head.

I'm not going to post a baker short story, it's too soon for that.

There was a little old shop in the lower part of town that was once owned by an old couple. The couples niece, Megan, helped them out around the shop whenever they needed any assistance. The type of shop the couple owned was a cafe/ bookstore where people could come in have a cup of java and enjoy any of the thousands of books that lined the walls. You even could purchase the book if you liked it enough.

After a bit of time Megan was constantly working at the shop, since her uncle and aunt where getting older and older and much more feeble. They planned on leaving Megan the shop and decided it was high time that she knew it. So one lazy afternoon when there where no customers to assist, Megan's aunt and uncle called her to the shop office. That was when they told her that they are leaving the shop to her in their will. They planned on dying together and let Megan know that she was always their favorite.

Shortly after the Megan's aunt and uncle where admitted to the hospital and died a few days from each for unknown causes. When their lawyers called and said to Megan that something was left to her, she went to the office to hear what the will stated. She walk into the office and in there are her parents and her other siblings. They all seem to expect something to be given to them.

Megan sat down and waited patiently, they were still waiting for someone else. They finally came in, apologized for being late and took a seat. Megan did't know who he is, so didn't her parents and none of her siblings recognized him either. The lawyer announced that now since everyone is here they can play the tape. He also said that since they wanted the will to only take effect after both of them had pasted on.

The lawyer pushed play and the sound of the DVD spinning is heard. On the screen Megan's aunt and uncle appear, they greet the family. After going over a few last moments of farewell they get down to business. They state that the shop that they owned goes to Megan, and why, as well as to whom to their house goes to it turns out to be Megan as well. Her parents are outraged, as well as her siblings. After the viewing is over the lawyer announces that their wishes be fulfilled and that it's now up to Megan to do what she wishes with her new property. Her parents and siblings are outraged that she got practically everything and that the stranger that came in got something as well. The only thing the recived was a dusty old car that was beyond repair.

They all leave the offices of the lawyer, and Megan sets off to the store for the rest of the day, thinking of what just had happened. She can't believe that she inherited so much, and since they only told her about the shop she didn't expect their home. Still wondering who the gentleman was and why he got their stocks, she enters the shop and heads to the office. She sits at her uncle's desk and opens the drawers to looks for answers. In the bottom right one there is a huge envelope with her name on it.

She opens it only to discover that in the envelope is a set of instructions. These instructions are what to do next. They always knew Megan had big dreams of becoming an industrial designer and not always being stuck in the shop for the rest of her days. They said that they had opened an account for her for university and that there was enough to go all the way up to a doctorate degree. She had to contact the man that was in the lawyers office, who controlled the stock options. His phone number was listed as well as a photo and a brief profile of him. She hadn't known her aunt and uncle were so rich, how ever did they make that fortune.

So Megan got in touch with the man and found out his name was Greg. Greg apparently knew every little detail of this plan and he told Megan what she had to do in order to get what she wanted. So Megan went to university to study industrial design and received a masters. She didn't sell the shop, so when she got back she redesigned it and it became a place where people could purchase her designs first hand and meet the creator. Greg and Megan meet up later, and got married and lived happily for the rest of their lives.

They left every thing to on of Greg's niece who also was just as ambitious as Megan.

Please leave some feedback it would be much appreciated.

So dreams can sometimes fall from the sky, only if you want them to.

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